
Nursing Certifications Common Types, Requirements, Careers & Salaries

Nursing Certifications Common Types, Requirements, Careers & Salaries

1-  AIDS Certified Registered Nursing Certifications (ACRN)

AIDS average salary for a Registered Nurse: $63,000

This nursing certification betokens that you hold a distinguished level of practice and skills. and you have special experience in dealing with HIV/AIDS patients. This degree implies that you have adequate education to grasp the whole outcomes of the condition. R.N with an ACRN certification usually serve in specialed infectious disease sections in healthcare facilities.

2- Certified Pediatric Nursing Certifications (CPN)

Certified Pediatric Nurse average salary: $70,000

This is a profoundly specialized RN nursing certification presents distinct attention to pediatric patients. It involves doing case evaluations, medication, and monitoring of medication effects on the patients. You may sometimes have to render guidance to the patient’s family.

3-  Advanced Oncology Nursing Certifications (AOCN)

Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse average salary: $60,000

Holding Advanced Oncology Certified Nursing certifications, a nurse is proved to have al  it takes to have a career as a nurse in the oncology specialization. Before qualifying to enter the Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification exam, it’s mandatory to complete a minimum of 1000 working hours in the oncology specialization (within the past 1.5 nursing school year), in addition to another 10 continuous hours.

4- Family Practitioner Nursing Certifications

Family Nurse Practitioner Average Salary: $95,000

The Family Practitioner nurse certifications confirm that you own a greater level of education and background to render be in charge of all age spans. A Family Nurse Practitioner can handle pediatric as well as grownups complaining from various serious and prolonged ailments. She/he also will be able to handle several psychosocial problems related to all family members.

5-  Certified Registered Anesthetist Nursing Certifications (CRNA)

The average salary for a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist: $76,000

This type of nursing certifications prepares you to be accountable for both pre as well as the postoperative evaluation tests and preliminary examination of all patients getting an anesthesia. As an Anesthetist Nurse, you’ll get to work with an anesthesiologist and help in monitoring sedated patients throughout surgeries.
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